The Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM) is delighted to announce the new…
The Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM) is delighted to announce the new Impact
Factor 2021 for its Journal!
La Radiologia Medica (Medical radiology) achieved an IF of 6,313, its highest score to date!
It also moved up in the rankings of the category ″Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging″ reaching
the first quartile (Q1), at 24th position.
Impact factor measures the relevance and influence of academic journals based on citation data.
Thanks to the Authors, Reviewers, and Editors who helped La radiologia medica to reach this prestigious
At last ECR congress, held in Vienna from 13 to 17 July 2022, SIRM met the radiological societies of other countries (Argentina, Brazil, North America, France, Spain) for a scientific and cultural exchange on the activities ongoing and a comparison on current issues in the radiology field. It is of great interest for SIRM to entertain collaborative relationships with the respective scientific societies operating abroad, to draw useful ideas and actively contribute to international projects.
Many of our young radiologists belonging to SIRM Young attended the ECR congress, which was held in Vienna from 13 to 17 July 2022. Most of them presented their research in the scientific sessions and actively took part at scheduled events in the Austria International Center. After two years, meeting in the “summer edition” “of the European Congress of Radiology was an opportunity for the young radiologists to exchange views and also represented an important moment for SIRM Young members to know each other and to expand their network. SIRM Young is a part of our society and it’s a growing community: nearly 49% of our members belong to the younger age groups and are willing to be connected and be part of our network, coordinated by Federico Bruno. Thanks everyone for the enthusiasm!
Candidate resumes for SIRM President for the two-year period 2025-2026 and the partial renewal (6
directors) of the SIRM Board of Directors for the four-year period 2023-2026 have been published.
Click here to view the nominations and the voting calendar at the regional decentralized locations, between
the end of May and July 2022.
We inform you that the candidacies for the renewal of SIRM Young for the two-year period 2023-2024 are
also online, of which 5 positions will be elected during the next 50th National Congress in Rome on the
dates 7-8 October (junior members can vote, i.e., born since 1989).
For further information contact:
Registration is now open for the 50th SIRM National Congress, which will be held in Rome at the “La
Nuvola” Congress Center on October 6-9. For online registration click here.
The participation is free for SIRM members who renewed their membership both in 2021 and 2022.
At the 50th National Congress of the SIRM you can:
- Take part to scientific sessions, each lasting one hour. There are: 3 Monothematic Courses, 84 Refresher Courses, 76 Round Tables, 70 Refresher Lessons, events divided into the three themes of the congress, “New Applications in Diagnostic Imaging”, “Interventional Radiology” and “Artificial Intelligence”;
- discover the technological innovations present in the technical exhibition spread over two floors.
- immerse yourself in the radiological professional community and meet industry partners;
- choose the workshops to follow according to your practical training needs (booking required);
- deepen your knowledge of Artificial Intelligence by participating in sessions on dedicated workstations in the Multimedia Classroom, with the guidance of tutors, on MRI of the prostate, recognition of skeletal fractures, chest x-ray and CT, mammography (reservation required);
- test your diagnostic skills by taking part in reasoned case studies;
- approach and / or deepen your knowledge and skills in Interventional Radiology. Simulation courses were planned: “vascular”, “extravascular”, “neurovascular” and “interventional materials”, each lasting two hours with the presence of a specialist in the sector; each participant will have the opportunity to simulate multiple procedures according to an ordered and pre-established rotation (reservation is required);
- enroll in the e-leaning/FAD courses (which will be activated immediately after the closing of the Congress) linked to the three single-issue courses: the relative volume is included in the registration fee.
For further information you can write to:

The SIRM delegation meets international scientific societies at ECR 2022
At last ECR congress, held in Vienna from 13 to 17 July 2022, SIRM met…

Young Italian radiologists at the ECR congress
Many of our young radiologists belonging to SIRM Young attended the ECR congress, which was…

SIRM 2022 voting is open at regional offices
Candidate resumes for SIRM President for the two-year period 2025-2026 and the partial renewal (6directors)…

Registrations are open for the 50th SIRM National Congress
Registration is now open for the 50th SIRM National Congress, which will be held in…