Journal of Radiological Review

Articoli in evidenza

The Journal of Radiological Review publishes scientific papers on diagnostic imaging, interventional techniques, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, radiobiology and health physics. Manuscripts may be submitted in the following forms: editorials, original articles, review articles, short communications, pictorial essays, case re¬ports and letters to the Editor. The journal aims to provide its readers with papers of the highest quality and impact through a process of careful peer review and editorial work. Duties and responsibilities of all the subjects involved in the editorial process are summarized at Publication ethics. Manuscripts are expected to comply with the instructions to authors which conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Ed¬itors by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Antonio Pinto

Journal of Radiological Review

Trimestrale – English version online
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